WHAT A TRANSORMATION! Sunrise Park in the City of Norman needed an upgrade and the Norman Parks and Recreation team, along with our “Happy Team” delivered. Sunrise Park has the first Playworld Quito (pronounced Key-Tow) installed in the state of Oklahoma. Quito is a freestanding net climber that takes kids on a journey to the center of the web.

This 14-sided steel framed inner structure is called a “Tetradecahedron”. Ropes and transfer points lead up 3 levels to a solid platform, and at the highest level, kids can ring the bell as a form of achievement! Wondering how Playworld created this name? Let me tell you! Quito is the closest capital city to the equator and is the second highest elevated capital city in the world. (La Paz, Bolivia is the highest, but the name isn’t nearly as cool!!)

Before and After Images

The “before” image of the Sunrise Park (above left) and what we created on the right showcase the playground’s modernization. Playgrounds have come a long way!

Not only did Norman get the first Quito in the state but they had it custom painted pink! The parks department conducted a bit of research and learned that the color pink has been proven to be a calming color. And of course, pink is the color for Breast Cancer Awareness, so this color is a WIN WIN! We love it mixed with the chartreuse and turquoise colors.

Playworld's Quito

While the Quito is a “statement” in itself, we also added Playworld’s Exclusive, Mighty Descent Slide, to the Quito. That combination gives one the perfect exit component from the Quito’s web of ropes. So thankful for Playworld’s engineering teams that designed these components! It is as though the Quito and Mighty Descent Slide are like Milk & Cookies—meant to be enjoyed together!

Playworld's Mighty Descent Slide

Happy Playgrounds is proud to partner with the City of Norman and grateful for their teams forward thinking vision for this unforgetable playground.

Shade for the Kiddo's, Mom & Dad